Florida Woman Tests CBD Oil on Elderly Dog with Arthritis

Florida Woman Tests CBD Oil on Elderly Dog with Arthritis

Tammy Silverman turned to CBD oil, which is derived from cannabis, to help her dog Annie with pain. “We found out that our dog had hip dysplasia and arthritis after we did an x-ray of her,” she says. “I took her for a walk, her legs dragged so bad, it scraped her nails and her nails were bleeding.” A specialist recommended CBD oil. Tammy thought it was a good alternative to Annie getting surgery. InsideEdition.com’s Keleigh Nealon (http://twitter.com/KeleighNealon) has more.



Debra Sheldon says:

That's Fantastic, CBD Oil for people and pets is rapidly gaining the recognition it deserves. When I realized the potential! I started this business online at the age of 62 https://cbdnut.myctfocbd.com

Ryan Sand says:

Vetonlinesupplies.com this is what I use and they use a pure cbd isolate. They have treats oils and sprays. Message me if you would like a good deal.

Woxineau Crows says:

as did we with our King shep and BC…amazing meds….I use it too~

Freshwater tanks says:

CBD oil helped my dog poet after 1 month his anxiety went down he was calm he didn’t bark as much his poop got better but sadly he died in a car accident a couple months ago I miss my puppers Rest In Peace poet 10 years

Oh Alexis says:

Ah yes but because the govt doesn’t make enough money from it it is illegal

Luvr2006 v says:

My nickname is Annie.

Rachel Canada says:

I work as a vet tech and in addition to the oil you need to look up “companion laser therapy” it’s a non invasive laser treatment and fairly inexpensive and we have seen dogs walk out of our office after not being able to walk very well if at all, sometimes on the first session. Anybody who is struggling with this check it out it really works!

Dutchies Holland says:

We have been using CBD for years.. We give it to our thirteen year old Stafford.. Who still runs and is still very playfull and stubborn, dispite suffering from Arthritis sinds he was nine.. We also give him Curcumine, cocos and fish oil, greenlipclam and others His lubricants I say..haha

mjb says:

Next she'll be getting stoned with her dog😁

Tinee Gonzales says:

I have anxiety and panic and has been struggling for almost 4 yrs now. Anyone here uses cannabis or CBD oil as treatment for anxiety? Its illegal where I am and so I use alternative meds and Ayurvedic therapy. Would like to know your experience. Thank you.

NxP says:

CBD!!!!! Follow me at @nXpCBD DM me if u have any questions.

Lexture4 shaw says:

Breaking news

Lexture4 shaw says:

Isn't this a news channel

R0DSTER says:

she feels it in her heart?? yea…great…clearly that sounds like evidence of it working…

Hammy Ham says:

I meant I hope that dog gets better

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