Texas Entrepreneurs Invest In CBD Oil Despite Legal Questions

Texas Entrepreneurs Invest In CBD Oil Despite Legal Questions

They are three of the most popular letters in business right now. C-B-D.



Mr_ WTP says:

"you cant always get all of the thc out of that cbd oil" She stated in an attempt to make Rokefeller, Hurst, Dupont, Carnegie, Mellon, and Anslinger proud! You go Girl! Dont bother with whatever that pesky "research" stuff is, or "facts". You just save your baby from her Marijuana ignited Heroine addiction!

latinhuck says:

These people are clueless. The guy seem kind of slow. the woman. is not the drug. it her parent skill that failed on her. plus she not a expert show why would this news just randomly talk to a grumpy mother? im not sure. where the patients or doctor with positive feedback??? Cut the political crap and find the logical points.

Soilnature Organic's says:

That ladies who's daughter uses cannabis, should have educated her daughter about cannabis. She puts the blame on a plant. Her daughters first drug uses, was probably given to her by her own mother, such a soda, pharmaceutical drugs that are actually deadly.
Her daughter has a drug addition because of her up bringing, how she was raised and probably not educated about the differents between drugs and cannabis.

Most kids that experiment with cannabis and turn to actual drugs, are the ones that find out cannabis is not dangerous, so they try actual drugs which are dangerous and get hook. That kids first smoke was more then likely a cigarette.

Adam Bouchater says:

If the CBD deosnt contain THC then is 1000% legal. Our hempd is 0.00% THC free, that bitch her daughter is a crack addict

Adam Bouchater says:

CBD is magical drug, is fully legal.

Joe Smartballs says:

Her daughter is a gay meth head. CBD oil does not exist. No pure form of CBD. CBD oil means it is dominant in CBD. DEA made CBD a schedule 1 drug so Texans are retarded and illiterate. Also illegal to import across state lines.

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