Oil From Cannabis Used To Treat Anxiety, Depression

Oil From Cannabis Used To Treat Anxiety, Depression

CBS Miami’s Rudabeh Shahbazi reports on Cannabidiol (CBD) which is being used by some people to treat health problems like anxiety, insomnia, depression, and seizures.



Binoc Youlars says:

Really? No way it causes any damage to the liver. Def a man repping big pharma. Ive eaten over 2,000mg thc in one sitting…Stomach issues may come from oil that wasnt filtered enough. Tiny hairs can irritate the stomach and intestinal lining..lowers blood pressure allowing vessels to relax..OTHER than that..NO harmful side effects…MIRACLE MEDICINE..just hurts A LOT of pockets if u can grow your own medicine. Think about it..economy would crash if we all stopped eating there pills.

vipan puri says:

Tell this news to fucking b b c media of Britain whole country are suffering from depression but this present evil government do not treat people who are suffering from depression what a evil of the evil government in the British history

neutron star galaxy says:

Edibles THC both worked to get high and helped depression

Freepalestine One says:

Oh you got to listen to your doctor , they know it all , like every thing except nutrition , like 1 hour doing medical school , wise bunch they are

Allison Clark says:

How to sensibly buy LEGAL cbd oil? Because I got a letter saying customs has confiscated my package two times already and I’m pissed.

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