UAB CBD Oil Research

UAB CBD Oil Research

The medical marijuana debate in the state of Alabama has not resulted in the use of marijuana in any form legally. Lawmakers did pass legislation to conduct research on a drug derived from cannabis and the state turned to The University of Alabama at Birmingham to see how it works. I spoke with Dr. Jerry Szaflarski is the director of UAB’s epilepsy center. He was awarded one of the best doctors in America by US News and World Report. Dr. Zsaflarski is also the principal investigator of the adult segment of UAB’s landmark study on Cannabidiol or CBD Oil. He says, “Having the study here allowed us, all of us, all the epilepsy doctors here to learn a lot about this product.”



sport horse farrier says:

Fucking Jeff sessions…i have doctor's packing me full of pills and I find I don't need them for a natural plant put on this earth to help people

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