Does CBD skincare really work? Plastic surgeon weighs in

Does CBD skincare really work? Plastic surgeon weighs in

Right now there are products on shelves that claim to help everything from acne to inflammation to stress but we wanted to know are people actually seeing results from CBD skincare.



NNT Flow says:

Just like any other products, it would work on most at certain degrees and not soo much on some.

It's pretty safe compared to all the chemicals induced products on the shelves right now.

mali carter says:

CBD definitely helps me with my daily aches and pains. Even after a hard piano practice when my hands are fatigued and sore, I just rub a little CBD oil on and the pain is gone in under 10 minutes. It’s like I’ve got a new set of hands.

emergerq says:

It's very simple. If it works, it works. If the science doesn't prove it then it indicates a flaw with the way with conduct our science.

Tracy Smith says:

The cannabis in the CBD skincare system I do really has made a difference in my skin. Less hollowness and puffiness to my under eyes. Also my skin is much more hydrated and luminous.

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