The People's Plant: Hemp-based CBD oil gains popularity in the Upstate

The People's Plant: Hemp-based CBD oil gains popularity in the Upstate

From gummies to fine chocolates, several Upstate stores are now selling food products made with hemp-based CBD oil, a natural substance that has been said to improve sleep and reduce seizures, headaches, nausea and anxiety.



Jay rock says:

I'm supposed to go to pain management I'm fully disabled I don't even look for a doctor anymore because I started using CBD bud I smoke mine that's just what I prefer but it works the same in edibles when I got my bag in the mail I thought I got some good weed. until I smoked it I had all the medical benefits of the CBD the relaxation and stuff without being stoned.feels like I took a muscle relaxer I'm just glad I don't have to seek a pain management doctor anymore I'm glad they passed that farm bill

Danny Dillon says:

Three Cheers to #DannyFord and All The Other #HempFarmers in South Carolina !

ALOTOFBS420 says:

Sceptical doctors and nurses are either uneducated about the subject or payed off by drug company reps to keep pushing synthetic drugs.

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