Parents administer cannabis oil to their son to stop his seizure

Parents administer cannabis oil to their son to stop his seizure

Bailey Williams, 17, from Cardiff, (right and top inset having a seizure) has suffered from hundreds of seizures a day since he was two. He now uses a cannabis oil called Bedrolite, which he takes three times a day. However this medication is not available on the NHS, meaning Bailey’s family must pay for a prescription from a neurologist in London. The first prescription, given in June, cost £2,000. The next one, due in September, is set to cost £4,000 and will last Bailey around a month. His mother Rachel Rankmore (left with her son) said that since having the oil Bailey’s personality has returned and he’s been able to play with his brother and father (together bottom inset). She said the family might have to remortgage their house because they ‘cannot go back to the way things were before we started on this medication’ and added that ‘if we could get an NHS prescription, that would change everything.’

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Tracy Bouchard says:

When I feel like garbage or have too much wine I take cannabis oil and within abs hour and 100% better

Ángel Ha says:

bien vola`o

Quails On Rails piety says:

I am a non profit freelancer, independent individual who helps people through bartering.. no money ever!!
The land is my medicine cabinet..

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bradley phillips says:

I wish you all the best and it's great to see your son doing better.

Trout Sandwich says:

Just made him high asf. Nothing special

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