Jailed in Dubai: Billy hood locked up for 25 years over CBD oil found in car

Jailed in Dubai: Billy hood locked up for 25 years over CBD oil found in car

‘Dubai police are incentivised to secure drugs convictions and they do not care whether there is evidence against that person to prove the guilt.’

Radha Stirling says many people in Dubai are forced to confess to crimes they haven’t committed.

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Manar Aaaa says:

Free Billy Hood. Wish he be safe and well . 🙏

Nicolaus says:

I’ll never go to Dubai now just to support Billy Hood and I’ll encourage anyone I know not to visit that country, absolutely ridiculous!!!

007JAVAID says:

In the words of a law abiding citizen ' do the crime do the time if it was a uk law broken that sentences to 25 years they wouldnt care so expect the same from that country dont go to other countrys if u dont agree with ther law u dont own the world ' yeh it is messed up but in uk they put ppl in prison for beating ther wife for cheating over ther thats normal so yeh great example of what happens wen u get to comfortable outside of yr comfort zone

milkshake says:

They found 500 bottles, huge cash, boxed and packages.

John Davies says:

Well they're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
CBD oil is not Cannabis in its potent form.
Its available around the world in capsule form with many health benefits.
Dubai, a fools Paradise. Imagine 25 years, as good as being on death row for CBD.
They should be ashamed of themselves.
Those islands they built to house expensive properties are practically vacant.
No mention of all the hookers who flood the hotels.
Alcohol, allowed in Hotel bars that cater to expatriates, is far more dangerous a toxicant than CBD which has zero toxicity.
Bunch of fools..

Jay Younes says:

What a bunch of inaccurate information. UAE never charged him for CBD, to begin with.

Joolz C says:


Hank Clarckson says:

Tourists n investers may landed in Jail or travel ban For Sex,Drugs, Alcohol,swearing,social media,Fotos & Videos & unable payments.
beyond that tallest towers hardest Sharia local barbaric law.

Tim Whiting says:

Fck them arab countrys, i remember a boy from my area got locked up for 3 yrs for a few crumbs of weed found in the cotton in bottom of his jean pocket jus like dust ud brush on the floor. What a joke!!

Blue Clouds says:

I’m scared to go Dubai now😂😭 bruh it isn’t worth my life lmaooo

Dazai says:

There are some places you just shouldn't travel to, Dubai is one of them, it's your word against there's.

samir khan says:

It’s doesn’t matter if he is locked up there’s plenty of muslims locked up here in uk that are doing 30+ years

Zebedee Rotten says:

its illegal in Dubai
possession is illegal …. simple

Leroy Jones says:

Your in a middle eastern country with illegal drugs their country their rules what an idiot

Israel Yarrashamiaak says:

If anyone needs a reason to avoid these countries, here’s another one. Dubai isn’t the UK. I know someone who was r@ped there and reported it like any woman would, she is still in jail for having relations with a man not her husband. It obviously wasn’t her choice. Dubai is chaotic human rights and best and no human rights on the norm.

Kay jay says:

I think this is justified. Seriously when people do any crime in UK I hear all the UK public saying you have to follow British law. So isn't it double standards if a person from Britain goes abroad and breaks that country's law. If someone from UAE broke British law and was jailed in Britain would the British legal system change sentencing for those individuals?

Adam W.P. says:

Shocking thing is you are allowed to drink alcohol in Dubai, but CBD oil will land you in the shit. I've tried CBD oil many times, you cannot get high from it.

Daniel Coffey says:

In their country Abide by their laws

zardoz jones says:

25 years for CBD Vape juice – it's as crazy as that granny who got locked up for poppy seeds from a eating a bagel and all the other nonsense "drug" offences. Regardless of the "local laws" bullshit – these sentences and alleged crimes are just pure zealous overkill , the folk who came up with these should be in jail instead, over something that is so so trivial and pathetic. I'd really love someone to interview the folk who instated these laws and watch them try to justify this sentence.

Craig Hood says:

I'm a Bahraini citizen, he deserved to be jailed. And it's not the fault of international law or whatsoever. This is should be something westerners including white ppl to learn, taught, to accept their fate, not to be privileged and don't abide the law around the world. It's because many of them being snob thinking they're can travel anywhere and still do anything he can do like they can do in their home country…

Westerners, whites, Europe aryans, british, there is many time to learn, educate yourself about law and order, peace out

L Adam says:

This is why you follow the law of the land.
"Cannot get you high" haha

umer shaikh says:

I don't know why westerners act like they can go to any country do anything and getaway with it not all country have similar laws and culture please get this in your heads

DCTV DubzCo says:

Brits/westerners should boycott that place but we wont, an to those who will say we shouldn’t do the crime, these mostly arn’t crimes, listen to this case they are doing him for selling drugs basically and its not even drugs its less drug like than an asprin or some foods!

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