Arthritis group puts out guidelines about how to use CBD oil for first time

Arthritis group puts out guidelines about how to use CBD oil for first time

The Arthritis Foundation is telling people they should start slow with using the cannabis-derived drug, and make sure it’s from a legit company.



BurninSven1 says:

First you got to know is you do not smoke CDB at all

Brian Cusack says:

I train almost every day and therefore I need something that is amazing for recovery. I was sceptical of CBD oil at first specifically for its pain and anti-inflammatory related properties.

I had already been using it for anxiety and it worked amazingly.

I was advised when taking CBND for recovery I would need a high strength one.

I bought Dr. Hemp Me 20% CBD oil and I have been taking 4 drops twice a day.

My recovery time has completely halved. The only soreness I get is from hard knocks received in games but hey I play hurling so that is a given.

I give it a 10 out of 10 when compared to other recovery supplements like protein bars and shakes.

CBD is all-natural and definitely works.

A few pointers;

Buy full-spectrum CBD oil

Make sure it is high strength (at least 10%)

Check for lab tests

My recommendation is Dr. Hemp Me. I hope CBD makes a positive difference in your life just as it has mine.

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