Ban on cultivating CBD oil from cannabis 'unfair' and 'insane', UK farmers say

Ban on cultivating CBD oil from cannabis 'unfair' and 'insane', UK farmers say

The Government is being urged to scrap rules that stop British farmers from fully harvesting cannabis plants.

Up to 80% of the crop currently has to be burnt, forcing the UK to import millions of pounds for so-called CBD products.

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chris Gd says:

So we’re out of Europe so let’s go

BreivikIsOurHero says:

GOV want control everything: your health your food your move ! everything !

Capone G. Lyrics says: everybody needs to see this it proves who is controlling government and what plans they have to enslave us 100%

Terry Ball says:

We should vote to legalise cannabis is general .

C M says:

This country is going backwards , we are far behind many other countries .

Bush Master says:

Isn’t it a NHS regulatory body that determines the efficacy and legality of different compounds?

Ritchie Valens says:

Good, it’s based on drugs and promotes growing it

Ericcartman1992 says:

Everyone make some Molotovs and suicide vests we're going to pay a visit to parliament.

ClankyRochet says:

The UK are dumb.

The Truth says:

Thc is better

tony c says:

i've just started taking CBD for my anxiety after all the anxiety tablets from the doctor don't work for me CBD calm me down a bit but at 70 pounds a bottle i think i rather roll one

TACH says:

And we are all free in this prison right? This is disgusting. there is so much evidence to prove the health benefits of this plant as well as the THC value. In . Proper cannabis I plants. We are getting the watered down health benefits in CBD. Best advice we can do is ignore the laws when it comes to your health.
Politician are not DR'S they are nothing more than gloryfied accountants .

Paul McCarthy says:

Government are scared of something

SpokeNipples says:

Jesus Christ makes no sense

Cameron Swan says:

Grow it anyway, noy like drug control has ever worked or will ever work.

SheCleans_Cars says:

Come on boris just legalise it already 😒

The Lemon and Lime Lounge says:

It all comes in on the diplomatic containers!

i i i says:

This is what America is turning into with the democrat lefties in power they're gonna take away all your freedom and rights just like here in the UK, God I love my country but I hate our dirty government. Save ya self America.

Sam Bradley says:

Let’s get a petition going, this is bullshit. Really feel for the farmers.

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