British man jailed for 25 years in Dubai over CBD oil in his car | 5 News

British man jailed for 25 years in Dubai over CBD oil in his car | 5 News

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British nation Billy Hood was sentenced to 25 years in jail after four bottles of vape liquid containing Cannabis oil were found in his car.

►The 24 year old says he was forced to sign a confession in Arabic.

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Bada Bada says:

The white British and white Americans always trying to carry their white privileged in another people’s countries.

Jay Younes says:

He was caught with MDMB-4en-PINACA, known as spice. This is a deadly substance.

On top of that, they found large amounts of cash, storage bottles and boxes, and 570 individual cartridges as well as incriminating evidence on his phone and 3rd party witnesses. Good luck explaining that away as a friend's CBD stash that you were unaware of.

Inga Mgoduka says:

This is bullshit 25 years for CDB vape oil wtf UK government has to something about this insane why they don't deport him ban him for life that taking away 25 years of his life he didn't kill anyone.

ali bashy says:

This happens to soo many minorities in the uk , it isn’t good being a minority alie?
,get use to it bro , this has been happening to us for years. Soz ✌️

Joe Turner says:

Why is nobody naming the friend who left it there? I would be…

Jay Younes says:

Had he not lied he wouldn't have been tried as a dealer and trafficker. He claimed a friend left it and he had no idea but also claims he uses it for his health. Which one is it? Did your friend leave it without your knowledge or do you use it for your health? Don't be surprised when they slap you with selling and trafficking when you couldn't even keep your story straight. And you expect the courts to believe you or show sympathy? When you lie to them, don't expect them to go along with your story.

Fatty. Bernz says:

How are the people not defending the guy he got locked up for 4 bottles fo CBD that’s not a crime 25 years is way too much not even a year for that Dubai are some fucked clowns shit country free my guy

Bada Bada says:

If you get caught in England with drugs you’re going to jail . The law is the law . If you get caught with drugs in your car in England you’re going to jail .

Pedro Hernandez says:

He realize his privilege doesn't work everywhere lol

Jay Jay says:

The fact that England is England and we know how the Arabs don't like England unless they want to live there and get all the benifits England has to off foreigners, he be lucky to get out in 25 years

IDF says:

Apparently he's a drug dealer

Abdurahman Mohamed says:

Can’t do the time dont do the crime

Haydn Smith says:

Most backwards country! Why i would never visit. They dont deserve tourism money to be pumped into their country!

smurfarooney2003 says:

Middle East = Middle ages they don't like jonny foreigner in Arab countries any little chance they get to put a white man in jail theyl grab with both hands

Abu bakr Rauf says:

Well said but brother to be honest I've tried cbd oil and I was smashed for 2 days it is a drug and you should respect a countries law just because we're British oh can we ask prime minister and foreign secretary to pardon my son as we are British Common I feel for him as a fellow brit but they need to hold their laws simple

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