Today is the sixth day of CBI probe in Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case. In the meanwhile, Rhea-drug link in Sushant Singh Rajput’s death mystery gets bigger. India Today accessed deleted chat of Rhea Chakraborty in which a drug named CBD was mentioned. What is CBD oil? Dr Sonia Lal Gupta, Neurologist and Dr Deepak […]
Sept. 11, 2019: Dogs are kind of like people. They get older, the have issues and they need medical care. But there’s one growing method that’s got dogs — and doctors — perking up: CBD. Although it is still not legal for veterinarians to prescribe in any state, it is still being sold.
Jase shares the tale of the closest he ever came to being arrested, and while he insists he did nothing wrong, Al isn’t so sure (42:33). Phil and Al fact-check the social media posts that claim Phil is running a CBD oil empire (49:57). But first, Mia whips up a gourmet meal for the family, […]
A 3-year-old Florida girl battling brain cancer is now in San Diego hoping to heal by using a treatment found in a form of marijuana.
Researchers are testing cannabis-based medicine as a more “natural” remedy to help fight insomnia. Subscribe: Get more breaking news at: Join Nine News for the latest in news and events that affect you in your local city, as well as news from across Australia and the world. Follow Nine News on Facebook: […]
Delaware lawmakers are making moves towards legalizing cannabis.
One of the common issues that many new and even veteran cannabis growers face is overwatering their plants. This results in root rot that can be quite devastating and have dire consequences on cannabis plants. To solve any accidental overwatering, growers need to act quickly. Most people believe that watering weed plants is a simple […]