From gummies to fine chocolates, several Upstate stores are now selling food products made with hemp-based CBD oil, a natural substance that has been said to improve sleep and reduce seizures, headaches, nausea and anxiety.
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical compound in cannabis but unlike THC it doesn’t get you high. It’s been touted as a treatment for cancer, anxiety and chronic pain — but doctors say there’s little evidence behind the supposed benefits, at least for now. Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News […]
Our friends at Nature’s Outlet help us see if this new medical marvel is worth a try.
Guidelines released for use of CBD for arthritis relief
A grandmother who was arrested for having CBD oil in her purse has filed a civil lawsuit against several entities including, The Walt Disney Co. and the Orange County Sheriff.
Jo Allen has fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition that has a broad spectrum of related symptoms including fatigue, cognitive dysfunction and reduced physical function. Its nickname is ‘the invisible illness’. Jo has got some pain relief in recent months from CBD oil, which comes from a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis. She puts drops of […]