Marijuana is, hands down, the world’s most popular drug. It has only been in the last 100 years that it plummeted from grace. Marijuana was legal for medical reasons in every state of the Union until the United States Federal Government de facto banned possession and use. Since the federal ban in 1937, over 20 […]
Many documentaries about marijuana have been made, typically focusing on getting high or the medicinal effects and benefits. Cannabis Science will focus on the science behind medicinal cannabis. While the main focus of the documentary is not political, learning the truth about the science of cannabinoids will educate the public on the damage caused by […]
As illustrated in this documentary from UFO Multimedia, one of the most controversial topics facing the United States is marijuana, but where did the provoca…
Could the chemicals found in marijuana prevent and even heal several deadly cancers? Cannabinoids have the effect of inducing death in cancer cells
Their two-year old son Cash was diagnosed last year with a stage 4 brain tumor; he nearly died more times than they can count. Until his dad made a controversial decision to give cannabis to his young son
Our Nonna, who has been cooking Italian dishes for over 70 years, teaches us how to prepare Medical Marijuana Butter-Leaf Flour. With this flour you can then…
Dr Dustin Sulak talks about the Potential Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana, he is a Physician Practioner at the Maine Integrative Healthcare it is a made up of about 8 – 10 other Practioners. Their goal is to look for a more natural healing process to help your illness. This video is a three (3) […]