Craig Gross, an entrepreneur, adult pastor and founder of, recently announced that his brand, Christian Cannabis, launched a line of CBD-rich cannabis products on January 27. The brand will offer high CBD, low THC strains developed for Christian cannabis consumers while educating them about the plant and its medicinal benefits, as well as sharing […]
The latest trend in cannabis could fix that pesky knot in your back. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, has been taking the health and wellness industry by storm. One of the hottest new trends is the addition of CBD oil in massage therapy. Experience The Full Story Here:
CBD oil is being hailed a miracle drug for children with severe epilepsy, but under federal law, it’s illegal. Juliette Goodrich reports. (5/7/18)
In a few weeks, the D.C. Council is poised to vote on the legislation, which is in effect in schools, but only on a temporary basis. #CBDOilBenefits #MedicalMarijuana #CBDHealth #Cannibis #Hemp #CBD #CBDOil
On December 29, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 328—representing roughly 11,000 Rhode Island and Massachusetts frontline workers—announced a victory for Greenleaf Compassionate Care Center employees in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, preserving their right to openly discuss unions and other workers’ rights. Like most other industries, workers in medical cannabis operations and dispensaries want employee […]
Nota por Hernán Panessi publicada originalmente en El Planteo. Más artículos por El Planteo en High Times en Español. Síguenos en Instagram (@El.Planteo) y Twitter (@ElPlanteo). “Soy muy emocional”, avisa rápido Seven Kayne, que anduvo afligido y hoy está bastante, bastante mejor. “Si lo dejás fluir, es lindo. Y más en las letras”, sigue el joven artista de 22 […]
AZ Natural Meds: Benefits of hemp oil
In the latest chapter of an ongoing pattern, a fentanyl-laced cannabis scare in Vermont turned out to be a false alarm. Two cases of cannabis suspected of being laced with fentanyl in the state were cleared of the drug by a lab weeks later, after first causing a false-positive for the drug. “Fentanyl-laced marijuana blamed […]