The evolution of a psychedelic fairytale.
More than 200,000 signatures later, a proposal to legalize cannabis in Ohio is heading back to the legislature. Activists in Ohio submitted their petitions totaling 206,943 signatures this week to the secretary of state for verification for a proposal that would legalize possession and purchases of cannabis for adults. Once the verification is done, “lawmakers […]
The state of New Jersey has finally begun to accept applications for recreational cannabis licenses on December 15. The Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) announced that within the first four hours of applications opening, 500 people had already submitted their applications, with 635 accounts created by the end of the day. “We are happy to reach […]
Abandoned to their fate, desperately ill epileptic children can’t access life-saving cannabis treatments.
Czech Editor convicted of promoting cannabis cultivation and THC-induced “toxicomania,” could face jail time.
Nota por Hernán Panessi publicada originalmente en El Planteo. Más artículos por El Planteo en High Times en Español. Síguenos en Instagram (@El.Planteo) y Twitter (@ElPlanteo). Por muchas razones, los 15 de enero suelen ser especiales para Lautaro René Coronel, alias El Noba. Nacido bajo el signo de capricornio en 1997, Lautaro se crió en la ciudad de Florencio […]
Dr. Mikhail Kogan’s cannabis recommendations for chronic pain.
Aromatic terpenes in cannabis and other plants reduce pain and stress, boost brain health, fight cancer and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and more.
The benefits of Medical Marijuana are numerous. Recreational users enjoy an assortment of medicinal benefits that include relieving nausea and pain, reducing anxiety, and feeling less. Medical use of marijuana… The post What are the Use of Marijuana – Need to Know More? appeared first on