Is there a doctor in the house? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is ailing and needs some serious attention. The FDA has got a bad case of CBD – as in Chronic Bureaucratic Dysfunction. This affliction has been evident for some time, but the symptoms are getting worse.
The research is in. Scientists have discovered a cure for cannabis addiction — and it turns out to be cannabis! Adrian Devitt-Lee explores how a new JAMA study illustrates a larger problem in the scientific community: Hypothesizing After the Results are Known.
CHICAGO – Illinois’ first day of legal recreational marijuana generated nearly $3.2 million in sales, state officials announced Thursday. There were 77, 128 transactions on New Year’s Day, when the law legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes took effect, according to Toi Hutchinson, senior adviser to Gov. J.B. Pritzker on cannabis control. Dispensaries reported long lines the first day of […]
Another nation joins the global green rush! Ireland residents suffering from cancer, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy can soon treat their ailments with legal cannabis. Forget four-leafed clovers. There’s a new emerald-green good luck charm coming to Ireland: legal cannabis.
Over the holidays, the Italian Supreme Court ruled that it was legal to grow small amounts of marijuana at home for personal use. The court declared that narcotics laws should exclude “small amounts grown domestically for the exclusive use of the grower.” According to the Independent, the ruling was approved on December 19, but it wasn’t announced until […]
What impact does cannabis legalization have on other substance use by college students? A recent study out of Oregon State University (OSU) aimed to find out.
Is there a doctor in the house? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is ailing and needs some serious attention. The FDA has got a bad case of CBD – as in Chronic Bureaucratic Dysfunction. This affliction has been evident for some time, but the symptoms are getting worse.