A network of pastors is speaking out against the so-called “war on drugs” and the devastating effect it has had, particularly on the black community.
At last count, there were 18 legal medical marijuana states and the District of Columbia. If your state offers this alternative therapy program, you can easily access it by following just a few simple steps that will teach you how to…
For the activists who led the effort to legalize recreational marijuana in Washington state last fall, Jamen Shively was one of their biggest fears: an aspiring pot profiteer whose unabashed dreams of building a cannabis empire might attract unwanted attention from the federal government or a backlash that could slow the marijuana reform movement across […]
With CNN’s brand new program “Inside Man” set to debut this Sunday, on Monday evening Piers Morgan invited his namesake and new colleague Morgan Spurlock to join him in studio for a live interview.
The Nevada state legislature on Monday approved a bill establishing a system of state-regulated medical marijuana dispensaries.The measure, SB374, will now go to the desk
A seven year-old girl with a rare form of cancer in Oregon uses medical marijuana as part of her treatment.
Their two-year old son Cash was diagnosed last year with a stage 4 brain tumor; he nearly died more times than they can count. Until his dad made a controversial decision to give cannabis to his young son