WNBA basketball star Brittney Griner will be held in a Russian prison on charges of possessing cannabis vape cartridges until May, according to information provided by the state media outlet on Thursday. Griner was taken into custody last month at an airport near Moscow after customs officials reportedly found the cannabis oil cartridges in her […]
Unusual animals help scientists investigate the root cause of disease and test new treatments by targeting the endocannabinoid system.
Project CBD honors women cannabis clinicians for International Women’s Day.
Ten community colleges in Arizona have recently received $31 million in funds from recreational cannabis taxes, the Associated Press reports. Arizona’s recreational cannabis law states that one-third of the 16 percent excise tax will be set aside for community colleges every year. Each college may use the funds to support “workforce development, STEM and certain […]
“Kush,” a potent, chemically treated street drug, is wreaking havoc and destroying lives in West Africa. But what’s actually in this illicit concoction, and how dangerous is it?
Medical scientists validate patient accounts of CBD and cannabis for symptom relief of oral ulcers, gynecologic pain and spinal disorders.
“If the hemp market is to grow and mature, we need to think beyond cannabinoids.”