Fusion Pharm, Inc. provides support products and ancillary services to the medical cannabis industry. The Company offers specialty equipment such as grow pods, as well as financing, consulting, and other industry specific services
EDXC stock is gonna see its volume surge based on their M3 Hub and plans to position it to elevate cannabis industry participants up to pharmacy grade and clinical level compliance, as well as security standards, both at the State level and in anticipation of changes in the Federal Government’s current policies and laws regarding […]
Creative Edge Nutrition announced their entry into the hottest, Medical Marijuana. The Company announced the move via Hemp Protein Powder, our Naturals Line, Hemp-plex and Chia-plex. One of the top reasons to potentially switch to hemp protein powder is that it’s not made from a processed milk product
Cannabis Science is the first publicly traded cannabinoid company on the market, whose symbol is CBIS, and is the only publicly traded company in existence that is involved in cannabinoid-extract based formulations. This model and leadership position is of great value as the company matures over the next twenty years and expands globally into a […]
The company’s flagship product, BudGenius.com, is a social web platform designed to assist patients in selecting cannabis medicine paired to their specific needs. An advanced laboratory designed for cannabis study is utilized to determine potency and safety guidance for cannabis dispensaries
Altitude Organic Medicine Corp. Founded in Denver, CO in 2009, the focus of Altitude is to offer the highest quality, affordable wellness services in the Medical Marijuana Industry.
CannaVEST Corp., through their investment holding in KannaLife Sciences Inc., is seeking to take advantage of an emerging worldwide trend to re-energize the production of industrial hemp and to foster its many uses for consumers. The focus will be to develop, produce, market and sell end consumer products containing the hemp based compounds with a […]
It may be a few years before investors have to worry about the marijuana industry, but the final conversation about legality has already started…