CBD oil becoming more popular in stores for pain management, skin treatment | ABC7

CBD oil becoming more popular in stores for pain management, skin treatment | ABC7

CBD oil (cannabidiol) is becoming a more popular treatment for pain relief as well as skin conditions and arthritis. Pop-up stores and specialty boutiques are stocking more CBD products in Los Angeles and throughout the country.

For more details on CBD oil: https://abc7.la/2SB3NXQ



Holly Aubry says:

Thank you for the incredible segment!

Vicki Butler-Hagen says:

I got a migraine from a few drops of CBD oil for stress relief and then again from one swipe on my lips from a CBD lip balm. No no no CBD oil for me! I don’t ever get headaches….

Ron Earl says:

It really helps!! I have been trying this products for more than 1 year

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