Charlotte's Web medical cannabis soon to be widely available to Colorado children

Charlotte's Web medical cannabis soon to be widely available to Colorado children

Some children battling epilepsy have seen a drastic turnaround and reduction of seizures after using Charlotte’s Web, an oil made from marijuana plants very low in THC and high in a chemical called cannabidiol, or CBD. Lindsay Watts reports.



Illyrian Pelasgian says:

fuck doctors, fuck science, this thing is discovered by laymen people and is being stopped by politicians and industrialists, what is more bad than alcohol and smoking that are killing a lot of people and are still legal meantime this medicine is being censured

Ariean Wilson says:

This is hilarious to watch on 2019 when CBD stores are on every corner

John Moore says:

The reason Doctors don't think the Marijuana is safe is cause there not getting paid unlike the Pharmacy meds that there getting paid by so there just saying Marijuana is Dangerous trying to get people not to do it and do there drugs instead so they can get paid witch half these meds that the doctors prescribe don't help these people but Marijuana Does that's why I think they should legalize it in every state and every country for these people that have Epilepsy/ Seizures and Cancer and Diabetes and Asthma and Arthritis Migraines and Autsim and Down Syndrome and Mental illnesses and Marijuana can't kill you like Opioids and you can't get Addicted to Marijuana unlike Opioids

JonJonFilms says:

Thca does not get you high

Treeez 8 says:


MJ 23-GOAT says:

That head of neurology is obviously saying it doesn't help the patients that she's seen at the hospital because if she stated it helped everyone then no one would come to her wack-ass hospital to be poisoned to death.

theninja00001 says:

So I have epilepsy- complex focal type and the med I’m on (Lamictal) literally can cause a rare serious side effect that can lead to death. So I guess possibly dying is more dangerous than CBD 🤔 I asked my doc about this cbd strain and she said it’s only for the severe kids 😭

Tania Lopez says:

of course, there is a risk! every drug comes with a risk or potential side effect! stating the obvious is not a reason to downplay the medical benefits that we have constantly seen or proven to be right through scientific evidence. keep thinking like a 1970 person all your allegations have been debunked by the Shafer report and LaGuardia report you stupid ignorant dumb bitch!

Michael Ojeda says:

Why can't people see that this is just another capitalist trick to exploit the poor by offering them another opiate that offers only temporary release from pain and permanent damage later on in life. This stupid country can't get universal health care but it can provide everybody with the green drug to dope away pain.

Agremen says:

Funny how a sick mutant genetic can cure people…I hop this doesn't turn sour and destroy the plant tho on the long run…

Forrest Ash says:


Jason H says:

I hate that medical cannabis is being presented as possibly harmful and experimental meanwhile doctors sill basically prescribe smack (opioids) to patients which can turn them into Dope fiends.

Demetrios Christakis says:

Keep working at it my brothers its all better than pharmaceuticals epileptic fits are no joke if it works for 1 in 5 its worth the risk in my opinion god help them all…. father of 3…

salty doc says:

Not surprised the Children's Hospital conglomerate is opposed.

Bryan Long says:

But there has been no deaths sorry money always out ways lives

LEGALIZE IT. It is medicinal says:

Stop the bs, cbd works. It stopped my son's seizures.

Elsuper2000 says:

It's always "lack of research", huh?

Emma Rose says:

Charlotte, you are so adorable!

Hiraya Manawari says:

This doctor are a big medical studies because no scientist are interested studying the cannabis because cannabis is a big threat to this big synthetic medicine period.

Michael Alcantar says:

die in your sleep bitch

Allison Essex says:

My family grows CW Hemp for the Stanley brothers company

Jersy For says:

Recommend to anyone looking for CBD/THC OIL. CannaPharmas is the solution to your health, they have qualify physicians and very good products. My Friend just confirmed her delivery Yesterday, she is already appreciating the high potent Cannabis Medication she received. Call or text him at

poodle dog says:

The problem is they keep giving these kids vaccines. We never had all these vaccines when we were growing up this is destroying the Youth of the world we don't need Kemp Oil we need to stop giving them vaccines and destroying the immune system

Courtney Jones says:

I suffer from psychogenic seizures and have been placed on more anticonvulsants and benzos..  Yes we all don't know what the long term effects are on the body.  But if your in a situation like obviously many are, and you have quality of life issues, then i don't see what the issue is.  It states that there is a very low THC, and won't get people high who use it.  If you or your child is suffering, why not give it a try.


If it was up to jeff sessions Charolette would be dead.

The Schi pronounced as sky says:

She clearly is paid by the FDA. Because doctors are supposed to to this kind of research for their patients not anyone else. I guarantee she was paid by the FDA because let's be real, the FDA Is kicking themselves in the balls for not regulating weed when they had the chance and now it's too late for them. Because if they tried now people would sue for slandering and flip flopping and lawyers would he twice as rich from this.

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