Deputy body camera video shows grandmother's CBD oil arrest at Disney

Deputy body camera video shows grandmother's CBD oil arrest at Disney

Orange County deputy body camera video shows a grandmother’s CBD oil arrest at Walt Disney World. The charges were later dropped.



Kachmi Ifiuken says:

Simply ridiculous… as the officer I’d be embarrassed that someone didn’t use better judgment and dragged me into an arrest like this. Charges were dropped immediately as no DA would allow themselves to be shat on like this.

John Nicholson says:

And, people still like to call coppers "heroes!" These Orange County gendarmes should be proud of themselves for taking grandma off the streets of WDW. Pathetic.

MegaYangman says:

Don't they have better things to do like arresting real criminals??

Jonathan Hooker says:

Welcome to the Police State of Orange County. AVOID THEM AND DISNEY LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!!!

James Causey III says:

This was ridiculous….. Why'd they do that

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