Great-Grandmother Arrested for CBD Oil Should 'Piss Off' Americans

Great-Grandmother Arrested for CBD Oil Should 'Piss Off' Americans

Kat Timpf reports on a 69-year-old great-grandmother who was jailed last month after being arrested at Disney World because security officials found CBD oil (cannabidiol) in her purse that she we reportedly using to alleviate her arthritis.



mad __ says:

CBD actually helped my anxiety, depression, and migrains. Thats amazing because if you ever been diagnosed with anxiety or depression doctors have you take two sets of meds, one for each mental disorder. Not even mentioning the promethinsein I would take for migrains. So one med replaced three meds for me.

The Harry Channel says:

Kudos for pointing out that it's not proven to be effective. The naturalistic fallacy is more dangerous that many people realize. That said, leave people alone and let them try CBD if they want to, since ostensibly, we live in a free country.

Dan Jorgensen says:

Tulsi 2020 Legalize CBD


Cat having a caniption…lol

Jeff Grey says:

Disney is an evil corporation.

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