How CBD oil could help treat chronic pain

How CBD oil could help treat chronic pain

Jo Allen has fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition that has a broad spectrum of related symptoms including fatigue, cognitive dysfunction and reduced physical function. Its nickname is ‘the invisible illness’.

Jo has got some pain relief in recent months from CBD oil, which comes from a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis.

She puts drops of the oil under her tongue three times a day and also uses a vape pen, saying it’s “the only thing that I found that works for my pain, especially my hip pain”.

“I can take that and within about 20 minutes I’ll know whether I’ve got to reach for the morphine-based drug or not and a lot of the time I actually don’t have to go for that which is huge to me.”

“To look after my own son for a day means that I am completely out of action for at least a day. In bed, in agony, having to take all of the CBD I have, all of the morphine derivative medications that I have, anything that I can get my hands on, just to get through a day after looking after my son.” is an Irish news website that invites its users to shape the news agenda. Read, share and shape the day’s stories as they happen, from Ireland, the world and the web.

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Robnation says:

Check your Vitamin D level (blood test/request)

Prosperity Consulting says:

Click here to purchase high-quality CBD oil:

Frank Kahler says:

Folks, Sincerly….try Natures Nutrients CBD!!! It's cold pressed! No chemicals used in the extraction process! No filler or carrier oils added! And it's unfiltered!! It is a full spectrum CBD!! They are on the net you can Google them and the most astonishing thing is it's only $60 for the standard 2 ounce bottle!!!!! You can't beat it for the purity and the cost!!! Listen to my interview!! "Is CBD being suppressed"!!!

Lisa Watson says:

Try our organically grown CBD oil! Grown in Hot Springs, AR!

Reaching Wisdom says:

Thank you so much for sharing your story! So many still are under the false pretense that CBD will get you high and is a drug. I am happy there are videos like these to educate the public of the truth of CBD!

Mezza says:

Goddammit australia pull ya finger out ffs

SemperFi4evr says:

I have extreme chronic arthritis pain and three herniated disc's in my back for which I take lots of narcotic pain killers that don't even seem to work, most days I just want to die from the constant pain. I have to work 6 days because I care for my grandchildren so my doctor tells me that it's ok to increase the dose, however, they make me feel terrible. I get really extreme anxiety and my sleep it terribly affected to the point I barely sleep plus with suffering migraines all my life the narcotics affect the serotonin levels in my brain triggering migraines. I have wanted to try CBD but there are so many fake products that I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars only to buy crap. I don't know what to do and can't really find any reliable information on CBD.

Greg Secore says:

I have a rotator cuff that I ripped and had operated on and hurts a lot at night time when I'm sleeping. And anxiety
issues and can't believe how much CBD helps. Check out this site, I found these guys with a little
looking around:, I'd recommend getting higher doses though.The lower Doses seem fine in some cases but
the 1000mgTincture bottles had the most noticeable impact. Still haven't tried the 2000mg one yet.And if you spend
$60 they send you a pack of gum for free and also free shipping how can you go wrong and top shelf CBD.

atomicsnowflake says:

It works, so the govt will probably ban it. They seem to want to keep the population sick and stressed.

Bills says:

seems one of the best Love Hemp CBD Oil 40% 4000mg Hemp Extract

Alfred Isaac says:

Good questions but never seen any answers….dono..y:-(

MrCarrigks says:

Looking for recommendations on best quality and prices and places to purchase CBD oil

Jonny Chaos says:

Gimme ya morphine. Haha

Todd Burnham says:

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Linda Jorgenson says:

HTTP:// contact me and I help you find it

Jersy For says:

At , we are first and foremost committed to superior care and supporting our clients through every stage of their medical journey. We are here to educate and inform, ensure you get the best treatment for your chronic condition or pain, and make it simple to access the form of medical cannabis that works best for your needs. Check with us for your health prescriptions and medical purchases. And feel support talking to licensed physicians

Ryszard Bujak says:

I invite you to Buy Licenses and buy products 30% CHEAP
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Joanna Smith says:

I too have fibro along with meralgia/ migraines / dupertons in both hands.
Had chronic pain since a car accident 15yrs ago. Numerous horrible meds that never worked apart from making me feel worse and giving me other things like hiatus hernia !
I weaned myself off gaberpentin / pizotofin / amitriptyline and down from 8 cocodomol to now 2 a day and it took 2 years to eliminate all that rubbish from my body. I just received my cbd oil and am so hopeful it has a use in my life as I know there is no doc meds that will help me as tried most…onwards and upwards on a journey or discovery x

LuckySister's777 SlotChannel says:

Off my pain meds now cbd oil has changed my life I use the 750mg bottle 2 drops three times a day works for me I don't need a cane to walk anymore off meds sleep good now I bought mine from so thankful to be pain free!!

David Thomas says:

I have been taking CBD for about 3 weeks now and it has helped a lot I work 6 days a week and it makes my job so much better

Allison Clark says:

The only place where I was able to purchase cbd legally was this verified place here Fast shipping, great quality.

It Just Might Help says:

This oil has been life changing for me. It's such a journey finding what work for me. #painfreemumma

Richardson Blevins says:

Broken back 1973 30 year's on Paine killers.Fore months on cbc paste no Paine.After DR. Got me off pills detoxing me pain free days.IAM 71 years old.

It Just Might Help says:

I'm so excited mine arrived today. Had my 2drops and just had 2more to go to bed. I'm so hopping it will help my day and sleep. I'm going to post a video on my experience

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