How CBD oil has transformed a child’s life

How CBD oil has transformed a child’s life

CBD oil has transformed the life of a Toronto child, his father Alexander Sen Gupta explains. The struggle to get the oil was a long one though and other parents are having difficulty obtaining it due to a CBD oil shortage.



Brampton Targeted Individual says:

Cbd is good but thc n cbd together work better

artsychic2000 says:

seizures are likely a result of vaccines. Government and media are just plain evil and always, always in collusion.

Stefan Müller says:

Thank You canada


In drugs stores lol I don't think so most drugs stores work to closely with big pharma.

Icy Wolf says:

You can buy CBD at convince stores and online.

NoLeads Ent. says:

the only one with a shortage is the government.

worse dealer ever.
give the people back their rights to help each other.

TRUE FACTS NO BULLSHIT no time for your lie's says:

it has been used for thousand of years cannabis /// eaten an smoked by the ancients /

dThor Riven says:

Now cbd is proven it helps to human life as cures

Jason Price says:

I'm epileptic and on pills over the years my stomach bothers me I'm seeking alternative.

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