Investigators find 'dangerous' synthetic CBD oil in Beaumont vape shop raid

Investigators find 'dangerous' synthetic CBD oil in Beaumont vape shop raid

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Narcotics Task Force said they found more than 150 bottles of a “dangerous synthetic” CBD oil at Smokee’s vape shop.



King of Low End Paintball says:

this story is misleading. It's not CBD at all, that's the thing. There is no such thing as synthetic CBD. What this is is actually synthetic cannabinoids, also known as Spice/K2/fake weed. And it's misleadingly being sold as CBD, when in reality it contains no CBD whatsoever. It's quite sketchy and really messed up. Someone could just think they're getting something that's supposed to make them relax but not high, and then they end up ingesting something that is basically poison. Synthetic cannabinoids are dangerous, real weed is not.

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