Management Speaks Out After Being Closed For CBD Oil

Management Speaks Out After Being Closed For CBD Oil

Last week, nearly two dozen stores were shut down for selling CBD oil products, and today those businesses are up and running.



EvilDustBunnie says:

Hemp CBD is now a felony in Ohio. Its rediculous. It's now classified as mmj. Its not mj! I've had to ween off and its killing me with all my health issues. If a bill has hemp cbd on it for legalization do not vote for it. It only hurts people that need it most. Our stores in Ohio were hit with confiscation the same weekend as well. If that doesn't open peoples eyes about over reach I don't know what will.

Joseph Mastromarino says:

Sue the shit out of them y'all did nothing wrong

hiraldo mcgoo says:

what a fucking great way for free adds ..hope this showed cbd to people who never heard of it ….god works in mysterious ways —rise up tn

Golden Gypsy says:

legalize so my friends mom can stop suffering she was buying those for her cancer aholes

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