Meet Delaware Teen Who Takes Cannabis Oil to Stop Tumors

Meet Delaware Teen Who Takes Cannabis Oil to Stop Tumors

Rylie Maedler, 13, takes cannabis oil once in the morning, during lunch, at dinner and before bed. The Delaware teen has been taking it since she was 7 after being diagnosed with aggressive giant cell granuloma, a rare type of tumor. Rylie’s now made it her mission to help other sick kids get the medicine they need. She’s already helped pass three laws in her home state.’s Leigh Scheps ( has more.



_triggerhappy_ says:

that smile tho.

cushion of air says:

Re post :

Janie Maedler This will probably get lost in the comments but Rylie does not take “CBD without THC” for anyone inquiring. She takes a full spectrum cannabis oil that contains CBD and approximately 7% THC, she also takes THCA and a few other cannabis products as you could see such as a nasal spray. Her regimen is suited for her needs as it should be for any medical patient.

cushion of air says:

The doctor said ''CBD'' this wrong its THC that shrinks tumors

Dehydrated Potato says:

Why is it 18 or 21 + still? Lmao it’s harmless kids should be able to take edibles, just not smoking or vaping it

Sinister Tantrum says:

Bless this sweet little girl.

Matt Rankin says:

God bless you never give up you take what ever you need to keep you alive and healthy so happy that cannabis is helping you thank god your ok

Lenise 1975 says:

I want to let people here know that cannabis oil does not cause any narcotic affect whatsoever. I noticed that it hadn't been stated in this video, mind you I am only a minute & a half in & at this point it hadn't been stated as of yet, so I felt the need to educate those who may not be aware of this fact. There is zero possibility that this product could be used in a recreational way.

Jar of MountainDew says:

Texas needs to legalize medical marijuana.
It could help millions including myself who deal with chronic pain and illness.

Star 1 says:

Hate how some people use it in a bad way but the kid is using bc its neccessary its helpful and for them it's a choice and for them its not

T. M. says:

Miracle herb! I rejoice in your new found health…continued great success.

Rukia Kuchiki says:

Well I can't say much

Olivia Kate says:

Doctors just say that because their medicines let them make way more money.

Hairy Deck says:

big trump supporters in Delaware

Cimeng Ngialah says:


Briana Wiggins says:

Hell Yeah 420 BLAZE IT

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