Mother urges lawmakers to support CBD oil

Mother urges lawmakers to support CBD oil

Mother urges lawmakers to support CBD oil

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Sherilyn Barbee Donner says:

I feel so bad for this woman!

SmokeyxTHAxBear says:

I completely agree that this "herb" and it's properties have great potential to help aid or heal certain people. Its absurd that so many states keep this medicine/herb illegal when it's proven to do less harm than most pain killers or alcohol in many/most cases. I really do hope Indiana changes its ways, and this woman is able to get this medicine for her son. I've met people who have greatly benefited medically to cbd and thc, and I wish the best for this family. Indiana would be a lot less boring if it was legal at least. lol. jp. Seriously though, people need to open their eyes a bit more.

cranebrain2 says:

I signed her petition on and just received this response.
Sep 29, 2015 — I will take the petition and sort it by state and then send it off to congressmen and women who do support the bill so they can see people want it legalized in all their states. I truly appreciate the prayers and true carrying but it is to the point know that I am tired of having to fight people on here that just try to discredit me. I will not give up. I may be in Kentucky or Colorado with my son getting him the help he needs but I will never give up on the other families in Indiana that can not leave nor give their child something they are unsure of off the internet. God bless you each and everyone of you and know that you have helped.
I truly wish you the best. I've been blessed with 2 healthy children and truly feel lucky. if I was in your shoes I would want the best opportunity for my child not to suffer.

Roger Camarena says:

I hope this happens

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