| 866-843-4545 CBD oil is short for cannabidiol and is a compound found in cannabis including marijuana and hemp. This has gained popularity over the last few years for its reported therapeutic properties. Although most CBD products claim to have NO THC or at least under 0.3% THC, required for CBD from hemp, the […]
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has been recognizing cannabis legalization advocates from around the country since 1998, as part of their National Conference and Lobby Day in Washington DC. The Michael J Kennedy Social Justice Award, now in its third year, is part of that tradition. Named after legendary civil […]
Federal Legislation to Facilitate Interstate Marijuana Commerce Introduced | NORML WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) introduced legislation to allow for interstate commerce when it comes to state-legal cannabis programs. “Interstate commerce is good for both patients and consumers, as it will decrease the amount of time it […]
Now that President Trump has signed the Farm Bill legalizing hemp derived CBD oil (cannabidiol), more people are reaching for products containing CBD. News 5 investigates the products on the market which are not regulated by the FDA.
The discovery could pave the way for a new treatment which would save patients from the risk of addiction problems. Researchers have uncovered how cannabis plants produce a pain-relieving molecule which is 30 times more powerful than aspirin at reducing inflammation. The discovery could pave the way to developing a new medicine derived from the […]
One of the bizarre parts about the recent string of vaping related illnesses and deaths is that it has been restricted to the United States. So far there have been 380 likely cases of vaping-correlated lung disease in 36 states and one US territory, but not a peep from the rest of the world. That […]
If you’ve been following current events in the world of cannabis (or if you’ve just been a little observant), you probably have noticed the ever-recognizable green serrated leaf advertised all… The post CBD vs. THC: Friends or Foes? appeared first on