By Leslie Stackel Conservative voices have held sway over talk-radio’s airwaves since the 1960s, selling a backlash against progressive ideas to a frightened public married to the status quo. How did it happen? Why does it continue, and where can someone tune in to hear a voice taking the liberal or, heaven forbid!, leftist position […]
Newly discovered endogenous fatty acid compound promotes healthy metabolism and mental wellbeing by binding to cannabinoid receptors.
Vancouver-based LBC Studios, developer of one of the leading mobile cannabis games “Hempire” and “Tasty Buds,” announced on Sept. 14 that it’s working on a new mobile rhythm game called “Bob Marley World Tour” which is currently slated to release in November 2022. Unlike its other games, Bob Marley World Tour is a rhythm game […]
Elias Theodorou, known for his successful mixed martial artist (MMA) career and medical cannabis advocacy, passed away at age 34 on September 11 after a long battle with liver cancer. Born in Mississauga, Canada, located in the province of Ontario, Theodorou’s career began after his first year in college. High Times had the pleasure of […]
Scientists study the role of the endocannabinoid system in human health and disease.
Cannabis data company New Frontier Data released “Growing Excellence: Seven Ways to Optimize Cannabis Cultivation in Newly Legal Markets” on Sept. 7, which highlights seven key issues that new cannabis producers should consider in order to achieve success. “The continued activation of new legal markets will keep pushing existing cannabis producers to expand operations and draw […]
Pennsylvania residents who have previously been busted for cannabis now have a pathway to a clean record. Gov. Tom Wolf and Lieutenant Gov. John Fetterman, both Democrats, announced last week the creation of the “PA Marijuana Pardon Project,” billed as an “effort to quickly pardon thousands of Pennsylvanians from minor, non-violent marijuana-related convictions.” “This pardon […]