In this edition of Cannabis Conversations, Project CBD director Martin A. Lee interviews Kelly Dunn & Josh Sarvis, British Columba regenerative farmers, about how using sustainable and regenerative growing practices can bring out the highest quality product.
In New York, the process of getting marijuana legalized has uncovered some deep divides in the cannabis movement. Some of the state’s Black lawmakers say that unless racial justice is prioritized, they will withdraw their support of Governor Mario Cuomo’s legalization bill, which has also raised alarm over what some see as its over-reaching influence […]
In addition to treating anxiety, cannabidiol (CBD) can provide relief for dogs living with pain. CBD is a natural, pet-safe compound derived from the cannabis plant that is both non-psychoactive… The post CBD for dogs in pain can bring that comfort home. Top tips you need to know appeared first on
Study: Marijuana Dispensaries Associated With Localized Reductions in Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths | Paul Armentano CLAREMONT, CA — Counties that permit the operation of medical cannabis dispensaries possess reduced rates of opioid-related mortality, according to the findings of an academic research paper published on the SSRN online network. Researchers from Claremont McKenna College in California, the University of Georgia, […]
Some are calling it a natural miracle drug for ailments ranging from joint pain to seizures and anxiety. Skeptics say it’s too early to “greenlight” CBD, known for its greenish hue. CBD is short for cannibidiol, one of the chemical compounds in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD does not produce a mind-altering high. Sarah […]
It’s no secret that many cancer patients are using cannabis to help manage pain, fatigue, nausea, and other side effects of chemotherapy. Less well known is the fact that extensive preclinical research shows that plant cannabinoids – most notably, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) – produce antitumor responses in various animal models of cancer.
After drug use caused Sharmila Clee’s parents to lose custody of her and her siblings in 1998, Clee said she was squarely against anything related to drugs or alcohol, including cannabis. “An anti-drug and alcohol mantra became my identity for years,” she said. Once her parents and extended biological family’s rights were terminated, Clee and […]