Alan was disoriented and his words were not making sense. His wife thought he might be having a stroke, so she took him to the emergency room where he was seen by the on-call neurologist. When asked, Alan admitted to using cannabis on a regular basis for many years. The neurologist then brought him a […]
State Sen. Joe Bolkcom of Iowa announced on Monday that he plans to introduce a bill that would legalize the recreational use of cannabis for adults. Under his proposal, marijuana would be regulated like alcohol by the state government. “It is time for Iowa to end marijuana prohibition,” Bolkcom said at a news conference on […]
Low-Income Medical Marijuana Patient Evicted for Doctor Recommended Therapy | Kevin Mahmalji Up until a few years ago low-income housing that received federal subsidies were required to maintain a “drug-free” environment. This meant that if anyone living in subsidized housing was caught possessing and/or consuming marijuana onsite, everyone living in the property was at risk […]
An Oklahoma family turns to CBD oil to help dog’s leg pain.
New: This report is now available in Spanish and Japanese translations! See bottom of this article for downloads. Project CBD, a California-based educational non-profit, has published an in-depth primer on Cannabinoid-Drug Interactions for health professionals, patients, and public policy-makers. The 33-page report, summarized below, is available for free download at the bottom of the page.
If you’ve never listened to Chris Webby’s music–you should. In a world where the hip-hop arena is dominated by trappers and mumble rappers with tattoos on their faces and little substance to their lyrics, Webby’s well-rounded bars shine like a beacon in the dark. Webby became a viral star last year after dropping an amazing […]
Oregon Initiative Seeks to Decriminalize Magic Mushrooms in 2020 | Phillip Smith An initiative that would decriminalize most psilocybin offenses and open the door to regulated production and therapeutic use of the psychedelic substance in Oregon is moving forward. Late last month, the secretary of state approved ballot title language for the Oregon Psilocybin Service Initiative. The next […]