Ohio’s faced a number of challenges trying to implement its medical cannabis program. But businesses are finally starting to bloom. In Nov. 2017, Riviera Creek, a Youngston-based cultivation group, received a medical cannabis business license from the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Board. As of late September, they secured a Certificate of Operation from the state to grow medical […]
Cannabidiol or CBD is not manufactured but is a natural constituent that is obtained from Cannabis. There are two different plants under cannabis that is hemp and marijuana. Both of… The post Is CBD Oil Made From Marijuana? appeared first on MedicalMarijuanaBlog.com.
MPP Endorses North Dakota Ballot Initiative to Legalize Marijuana for Adults | Marijuana Policy Project WASHINGTON, DC — The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) announced Wednesday it is endorsing Measure 3, the initiative to legalize marijuana for adults in North Dakota and expunge past marijuana-related convictions. MPP is the nation’s largest organization dedicated exclusively to marijuana policy, and […]
The details of a multi-state weed ring run out of a popular Detroit donut shop emerged today after federal prosecutors indicted the shop owner and two others on drug conspiracy, money laundering and a long list of other charges. For more than two years, the Holy Moly Donut Shop on Eight Mile operated as a […]
There are many people who hope to care for their bodies in much better ways because they are using as many different options as they can find. The best way… The post Can CBD Oil Effectively Treat Sinusitis? appeared first on MedicalMarijuanaBlog.com.
NORML Endorses Utah’s Medical Marijuana “Proposition 2” | NORML WASHINGTON, DC — The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has endorsed Proposition 2: The Utah Medical Cannabis Act, which regulates the licensed production and distribution of medical cannabis products to qualified patients who possess a physician’s recommendation. Seventy-seven percent of adults express support for the […]
For years, medical cannabis advocates have struggled to make lawmakers acknowledge the medicinal and therapeutic benefits not just of the marijuana plant as a whole, but also of its active components: cannabinoids like THC and the non-psychoactive CBD (cannabidiol). CBD especially has been stranded in a legal grey area, with products sourced from hemp enjoying […]