New Jersey to Double the Number of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries | TJ Baker TRENTON, NJ — The New Jersey Department of Health announced on Monday that it will begin accepting applications for six additional businesses to grow, process, and sell medical marijuana in the Garden State. The state aims to locate two each in the northern, central […]
In an effort to better understand the ways cannabis use impacts traffic safety, UC San Diego is conducting a virtual driving study that tests how driving high impacts the ability to respond to common challenges on the roadway. The study, the largest of its kind to date, is being conducted by the college’s Center for […]
Who doesn’t love honey? Think of all the hard-working bees going about their business getting pollen from flower to flower under the shining sun just so you could have that!… The post 4 Facts about CBD Honey: A New Health Wonder appeared first on
Catnip Joints Are Totally a Thing, and You Can Buy Them on Amazon | TJ Baker If you’re looking to get your favorite feline a good buzz, check out these Meowijuana Catnibas Joints on Amazon. Featuring “high grade” organic catnip and pre-rolled in RAW cones, a pack of six of these kitty doobies are available […]
You’re in a grocery store. You’re staring blankly down the aisles, in search of the perfect snacks. You’re having a Treat Yo Self night, and only the finest of products will do when the munchies creep up. Then it hits you—a breakfast pastry sounds perfect. Pop-Tarts and Toaster Strudel immediately spring to mind, but you’re […]
The green rush is happening and unfolding in front of our eyes. It’s undeniable that the new industry’s slowly emerging to be one of the major industries in the world. … The post Challenges of Online Marketing for Cannabis Dispensary Businesses appeared first on
Maine Lawmakers Override Governor’s Veto, Expand Medical Marijuana Access | Paul Armentano Legislation to significantly expand patients’ access to medical cannabis in Maine will become law later this fall following Monday’s decision by lawmakers to override Governor Paul LePage’s veto. By a vote of 119 to 23 in the House and 25 to 8 in the […]