Vermont Marijuana Legalization Bill Advances; New Poll Shows Strong Public Support | Marijuana Policy Project MONTPELIER, VT — The Vermont House Judiciary Committee approved a bill 8-3 Wednesday that would make personal possession and cultivation of small amounts of marijuana legal for adults 21 and older. “Today’s vote shows just how far this issue has advanced in […]
The number of drug-related offenses is “higher than any other heinous crime in Nepal and is increasing at an alarming rate,” according a none-too-objective March 17 account in Kathmandu’s the Himalayan newspaper. The article credulously regurgitates the claims of a new report from the country’s Narcotics Control Bureau, breaking down crime figures since 2011. The total for drug […]
Patients With Access to Medical Marijuana Reduce Their Use of Opioids, Study Finds | Paul Armentano ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Patients registered to use medical cannabis decrease their use of opioids, according to data compiled by researchers at the University of New Mexico. Investigators assessed the use of prescription opioids over an 18-month period among patients […]
Over the last few years there has been a rise in the interest of legalizing the use of marijuana for medical and recreational use. As of present, 28 states have some forms of law establishing the use … Read more › The post Benefits of legalizing marijuana: What Can You Get from This Plant appeared […]
Federal Marijuana Sentences Plummet: Report | Paul Armentano WASHINGTON, DC — The number of federal offenders sentenced for violating marijuana laws has fallen significantly since 2012, according to data provided by the United States Sentencing Commission. Just over 3,000 federal defendants were sentenced for marijuana violations in 2016, according to the Commission. That total is roughly […]
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is an angry man. He hates the idea of legalized marijuana and would prefer everyone in America suffered collective amnesia and forgot that medical cannabis is a thing for 85 percent of the country’s citizens. But it appears he realizes that even with the DEA at his command, he can’t do […]
Texas House to Hold Hearing on Reducing Marijuana Penalties Today | Marijuana Policy Project AUSTIN, TX — A bill that would reduce penalties for marijuana possession in Texas is scheduled to receive a hearing Monday afternoon in the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee. “I’m proud to present HB 81 to the committee and build on the bipartisan support […]
Pennsylvania Auditor General Says State Lawmakers Should Regulate the Marijuana Market | NORML HARRISBURG, PA — Pennsylvania’s auditor general on Monday publicly advocated for the legalization and taxation of retail marijuana sales, arguing that such a policy would bring new jobs and tax revenue to the state. Speaking at a news conference at the state capitol, […]