The ink on Illinois’ newly-signed medical marijuana bill has barely dried and already, Chicago’s first medical marijuana clinic is ready to roll.
In addition to recreational use, boomers are increasingly using pot to medicate the physical effects of aging.
Research provides strong support for marijuana as a cancer-fighting medicine.
If you’ve ever used medical marijuana to treat, say, a bad back or sick-as-a-dog nausea, you may have wondered how the collectives and dispensaries that sell medically-sanctioned weed are run, especially since even when a state has legalized pot for medical reasons (as 18 U.S. states have), technically the use of marijuana, for any reason, […]
Marijuana is legal in 17 states when used as medicine, and now some parents are using it to treat their children. NBC’s Dr. Nancy Snyderman reports on the controversial treatment, which some believe helps alleviate symptoms of autism, cancer, epilepsy and more
The U.S. government has burned almost enough marijuana plants to get the atmosphere high. Americans have responded by increasing domestic production.
Efraim Zalmanovich, the orthodox rabbi of the Israeli town of Mazkeret Batia, said Friday that distributing and smoking marijuana is kosher as long as it’s for medical purposes, according to an article on NRG, the website of the Maariv newspaper.