Colorado Gov. Jared Polis last week announced the launch of a state grant program for cannabis social equity companies, offering licensed operators a new source of capital for their businesses. The governor’s office said in a statement that the new grant program is “a bold, forward-thinking initiative to save small businesses money, foster a more […]
Unusual animals help scientists investigate the root cause of disease and test new treatments by targeting the endocannabinoid system.
A Kentucky legislative committee voted on Thursday to advance a bill to legalize medical cannabis two days after the legislation gained the endorsement of a key state senator. The measure, House Bill 136, was passed with strong bipartisan support by the House Judiciary Committee with a vote of 15-1. Under the measure from Republican Representative […]
The California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) announced on March 4 that it was releasing a list of changes to the state’s regulations on cannabis. According to a press release, these changes intend to “streamline and simplify” existing cannabis regulations, as well as “enhance consumer protections and make permanent changes that are currently in effect […]
As the world of legal cannabis expands at a breakneck pace, some of the names we hold nearest and dearest to our hearts predate the legal industry. They are survivors from the California medical cannabis era that most of the time faced a ton of persecution just trying to exist in the 20 years between […]
Project CBD honors women cannabis clinicians for International Women’s Day.
Ten community colleges in Arizona have recently received $31 million in funds from recreational cannabis taxes, the Associated Press reports. Arizona’s recreational cannabis law states that one-third of the 16 percent excise tax will be set aside for community colleges every year. Each college may use the funds to support “workforce development, STEM and certain […]