Cannabis is now legal in New York City, but smoking it could be lethal if you’re Black, poor and on parole.
Nota por Nicolás José Rodríguez publicada originalmente en El Planteo. Más artículos por El Planteo en High Times en Español. Síguenos en Instagram (@El.Planteo) y Twitter (@ElPlanteo). Jimi Devine nació en Lynn, Massachusetts, es licenciado en periodismo y desde 2009 trabaja en la industria del cannabis en California, como redactor y como colaborador de medios con renombre mundial como son […]
24 year old pro footballer sentenced to 25 years over CBD in Dubai. The UAE has arrested dozens of foreigners for ‘crimes’ like having a poppyseed on the bottom of one’s shoe, having prescription medicine, residual hashish from marijuana smoked abroad, a glass of wine on a plane and so on. Tourists and expats are […]
On Friday, Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed Assembly Bill 1302, which would have allowed cannabis billboard advertisements on most California highways and interstates, and issued a veto message explaining his reasoning. The governor explained that California’s adult-use cannabis bill had built-in protections to prevent youth from being exposed to cannabis-related advertising, and that he didn’t want […]
There are numerous types of rolling papers such as hemp, flavored, OCB, and branded rolling papers such as Bob Marley. However, have you ever heard of gold rolling papers? These are rolling papers made for use by people living in luxury. Today, gold rolling papers are getting a lot of attention due to their appearance […]
New studies explore the analgesic effects of cannabis in migraine sufferers and the potential roles of THC, terpenes, and inflammation.
On an episode of “River Cafe Table 4” podcast that originally aired October 4, Sir Paul McCartney, 79, revealed that he has to hide his hemp crop from young would-be thieves who are tempted to steal plants, mistaking them for THC-rich cannabis. In the 26-minute episode, McCartney also recalled tasting wine for the first time […]