While some cannabis studies show therapeutic benefits and some show harms, others show no effects at all.
Nota por Hernán Panessi publicada originalmente en El Planteo. Más artículos por El Planteo en High Times en Español. Síguenos en Instagram (@El.Planteo) y Twitter (@ElPlanteo). “Yo estaba re frenado”, recuerda Ramiro Terraza, alias Ramita, ni bien abrió Bajoneando por Hay, el canal de YouTube que, por diversos motivos, le cambió la vida. El puntapié inicial lo dio en 2014, pero […]
Have you ever smoked a cigar before? The experience of smoking a cigar does not start with lighting the stick and stuffing one end in your mouth. There is a process to the practice that is very different from that of a cigarette. When smoking a cigar, you need to appreciate the tobacco, as you […]
A political action committee in Florida is spearheading a petition drive to legalize and regulate recreational marijuana in the state, after two previous legalization efforts this year were stymied by the courts. Sensible Florida PAC announced on Friday that it was kicking off “a new petition drive for a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution […]
Have you visited a cannabis farm before and felt attracted to the bushy marijuana plants with a potent and tempting smell? Not only do such plants scream of an abundant harvest, but the unique scent of the flowers tells you that the weed is full of flavor. Having such a farm is the dream of […]
A deluge of lab-synthesized CBD isolates, favored by regulators, will devastate hemp CBD commerce by undercutting the need for plant-derived, single-molecule cannabinoids.. But it could also create new opportunities for artisanal cannabis product-makers, who craft full-spectrum THC/CBD mixtures with unique qualities that can never be fully replicated in a lab.
In a September 14 press release, Wesana Health Holdings Inc. announced its commitment to fund $1.5 million to assess the efficacy of Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) MDMA-assisted therapy to treat traumatic brain injury (TBI). The funding will allow MAPS Public Benefit Corporation (MAPS PBC) to activate a team to evaluate the scope of […]