Facu Santo Remedio, streamer y contador profesional de historias no le esquiva al mote de “influencer cannábico”. En esta entrevista con El Planteo, Facu nos cuenta todo sobre sus proyectos y su pasado como participante de reality shows.
Immersive entertainment is coming to New York City in the form of a new cannabis pop-up.
Marijuana is a plant that needs lots of attention from the initial vegetation stage to the flowering phase. Although cannabis can technically grow outdoors, growers need some skills to cultivate this plant the right way. Fortunately, people have been growing weed for many years and have perfected the growing process. There are thousands of cannabis […]
Best private label CBD oil medicalmary.com/private-label/ Also called CBD, it is one of more than 100 substance compounds known as cannabinoids found in the cannabis or pot plant, Cannabis sativa (1Trusted Source). Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the primary psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis, and creates the uproar of getting “high” that is frequently connected with pot. […]
According to The Beatles, all you need is bud.
One of the common nutrient deficiencies that most growers deal with is Nitrogen deficiency. Whether you are a newbie grower or a veteran, diagnosing the lack of macronutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus is never an easy task. However, you need to quickly solve this problem for the well-being of your marijuana plants. Before supplementing […]
Cannabis is a safe and effective way to manage the complex symptoms of ehlers-danlos syndrome, a painful connective tissue disorder.
¿Quién es Matías Tombolini? ElPlanteo.com entrevistó a fondo al economista, político profesor argentino.