Marijuana smoking no longer depends on traditional consumption methods such as rolling joints or blunts. Other methods taking over from the traditional ones include topicals, brownies, edibles, capsules, pills, and vaporizers. People today also opt to make their weed recipes from the comfort of their homes, especially if they do not trust the effectiveness or […]
UAB researchers studied 132 people
A growing number of countries in Africa are looking to cannabis as the ticket out of poverty, and foreign investment for this sector has flooded in. Activists who pushed for legal commercial cultivation now face the challenge of crafting a cannabis economy that empowers small farmers and rural communities, rather than replicating the elitist forms […]
The road of excess leads to the palace of Iggy Pop—the proof of which are these excerpts taken from his 1982 autobiography, I Need More.
Right now there are products on shelves that claim to help everything from acne to inflammation to stress but we wanted to know are people actually seeing results from CBD skincare.
Growing cannabis is a form of therapeutic horticulture. Here are some educational resources for starting your own cannabis garden.
The pandemic isn’t stopping psychedelic advocacy.