Study: Little Distinction Exists Among ‘Sativa’ or ‘Indica’

Study: Little Distinction Exists Among ‘Sativa’ or ‘Indica’

Study: Little Distinction Exists Among ‘Sativa’ or ‘Indica’ | NORML

MIDDLEBURY, VT — The interbreeding of cannabis plants has resulted in a dearth of pure ‘indica‘ or ‘sativa‘ strains, according to a review published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. In most cases, these classifications are used arbitrarily, the author states. “Categorizing cannabis as either ‘sativa‘ and ‘indica‘ has become an exercise in futility,” he concludes. “Ubiquitous interbreeding […]

Study: Little Distinction Exists Among ‘Sativa’ or ‘Indica’ | The Daily Chronic



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