An imbalance of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids adversely impacts the endocannabinoid system and impairs the functioning of everything from our brain to our gut.
Gut dysbiosis leads to decreased endocannabinoid signaling and reduced neurogenesis in the hippocampus. But dietary or probiotic interventions can mitigate stress-induced depressive syndromes.
Climate change has displaced law enforcement as the biggest threat California cannabis cultivators have faced since legalization.
Native American farmers are asserting their sovereign right to cultivate industrial hemp and THC-rich cannabis on Indian lands.
Does cannabis use cause psychosis or does latent psychosis drive cannabis use?
Project CBD encourages CBD users to participate in a research study about CBD and cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on health and well-being.
Many women with endometriosis use cannabis and CBD for pain relief, and cannabis therapeutics may also limit the spread of endometrial cells around the body.
Cannabis science article retractions are infrequent and few researchers are helds accountable for fraud.
A doctor’s account of a young man with Crohn’s disease who benefited greatly from cannabis therapy.