It’s not magic nor mysticism — no, this new fantastical concoction that lets you do it all is something much more grounded. Dinner is made on time, the kids get picked up from school, and you get named employee of the month with a big promotion and a huge bonus. But what are delta-10 gummies […]
Discovering the Health Benefits of CBD
Cannabis, also known as hemp or marijuana, has a long history of human use. But lately, the buzz around this plant — and the cannabinoids within it — has increased. Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are just two of the many compounds found in cannabis. What’s the difference between them and other popular cannabinoids and […]
AZ Natural Meds: Benefits of hemp oil
Just as a conventional synthetic drug won’t cure every health condition, marijuana isn’t the right fit for all treatments. However, it has been proven that marijuana’s benefits are extracted from… The post What Are The Health Benefits of Marijuana? appeared first on
Republican lawmakers are going after benefit assistance recipients who use their benefits on cannabis.
Sept. 11, 2019: Dogs are kind of like people. They get older, the have issues and they need medical care. But there’s one growing method that’s got dogs — and doctors — perking up: CBD. Although it is still not legal for veterinarians to prescribe in any state, it is still being sold.