Delaware Lawmakers to Consider Marijuana Legalization Bill on Wednesday | Marijuana Policy Project DOVER, DE — The Delaware House Revenue and Finance Committee will hold a hearing Wednesday at 3 p.m. ET on a bill that would make marijuana legal for adults and regulate it similarly to alcohol. The committee will hear testimony before voting on […]
Vermont House Passes Marijuana Legalization Bill | Marijuana Policy Project MONTPELIER, VT — The Vermont House of Representatives approved a bill 74-68 on its second reading Tuesday evening that would make personal possession and cultivation of small amounts of marijuana legal for adults 21 and older. If the bipartisan measure is approved at a third […]
Colorado lawmakers are taking matters into their own hands when it comes to combating the snarling dogs of the federal war on weed. Most recently, the state’s House of Representatives put its seal of approval on a measure intended to prevent local law enforcement from assisting the Justice Department, in any way, if U.S. Attorney […]
Colorado Lawmakers Pass Bill to Allow Medical Marijuana for PTSD | TJ Baker DENVER, CO — Lawmakers in the Colorado legislature have passed a measure to add post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, to the list of conditions that qualify for medical marijuana in the state. The measure, Senate Bill 17, will now be sent to […]
On Thursday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced legislation to legalize the recreational use of cannabis in Canada, following through on a campaign pledge and ending a long wait by advocates and entrepreneurs. The new law would allow adults 18 and over to possess or share up to 30 grams of dried herbaceous cannabis and to purchase cannabis […]
West Virginia House of Delegates Passes Medical Marijuana Bill | Marijuana Policy Project CHARLESTON, WV — A bill that would allow patients with certain debilitating conditions to access medical marijuana if their doctors recommend it was approved by the West Virginia House of Delegates on Tuesday. Senate Bill 386 passed 76-24 on third reading after being […]
West Virginia Senate Approves Medical Marijuana Bill | Marijuana Policy Project CHARLESTON, WV — The state Senate approved legislation Wednesday evening (28-6) that would allow patients with certain debilitating conditions to access medical marijuana if their doctors recommend it. SB 386, the West Virginia Medical Cannabis Act, is sponsored by Sen. Richard Ojeda (D-Logan). It would […]
Vermont Marijuana Legalization Bill Advances; New Poll Shows Strong Public Support | Marijuana Policy Project MONTPELIER, VT — The Vermont House Judiciary Committee approved a bill 8-3 Wednesday that would make personal possession and cultivation of small amounts of marijuana legal for adults 21 and older. “Today’s vote shows just how far this issue has advanced in […]