You guys are great and this list is as good as any. But I feel you should update this grow lights post and add Mars Pro II series. Mars really outdone themselves with this model, I’ve had it for a while now and I wouldn’t change it for anything.
Houseplants are beautiful, and they bring a certain charm to the surroundings. Besides their beauty, houseplants release oxygen into the air and suck up carbon dioxide, making them suitable for health too. They help to eliminate harmful toxins by cleaning up the air. Other benefits that you get from houseplants include reducing stress levels and […]
Greenhouse gardening is a widespread practice in almost all parts of the world. It is also a profitable gardening practice as long as the grower uses all the right gardening tools, products, and mediums to grow their crops. In the beginning, it might not be apparent, especially when it comes to choosing the best greenhouse […]
What is a quantum board? A Quantum board is a lighting innovation devised by Horticulture Lighting Company (HLG) and adapted by other brands. It is also one of the newest concepts in the grow light industry, and its popularity is undeniably astounding, especially with indoor cannabis growers. Quantum board LED grow lights differ from one […]
Tomatoes are some of the most popular vegetables worldwide, and growing them is both challenging and rewarding. Many people grow their tomatoes indoors for different reasons. One of the main reasons is that they can harvest tomatoes any time they want, irrespective of the season. It also means that if they are doing it for […]
Cannabis plants need lots of light for their healthy growth and high yields. However, LED grow lights and other forms of lightings spectrums use electric power, which does not come cheap, which leads to many growers looking for better economic lighting systems to use indoors. One of the best solutions is by using solar-powered grow […]
Each weed indoor grower knows that using best LED grow lights is essential for the plants’ proper and natural growth. For some growers, using LED grow lights comes with some questions, such as how many LED watts grow lights a square foot of indoor space needs. However, the question does not have an exact answer […]