The latest trend in cannabis could fix that pesky knot in your back. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, has been taking the health and wellness industry by storm. One of the hottest new trends is the addition of CBD oil in massage therapy. Experience The Full Story Here:
New studies explore the analgesic effects of cannabis in migraine sufferers and the potential roles of THC, terpenes, and inflammation.
During the 1950s, LSD therapy showed great promise of treating the “spiritual disease” of alcoholism.
The use of cannabis as medicine for animals has been getting a lot attention in the medical, scientific, and pet owning communities. One of the potential uses showing the most promise is in the treatment of seizures. Does it work as well for pets as it does for people?
When Audra and Justin Wilford learned their then four-year-old son Max had brain cancer in 2011, they suddenly found themselves in a difficult situation. But rather than despair, they sprung into action, learning how to complement their son’s treatment and building a support system for themselves and other parents facing similar circumstances. Wilford had no […]
After drug use caused Sharmila Clee’s parents to lose custody of her and her siblings in 1998, Clee said she was squarely against anything related to drugs or alcohol, including cannabis. “An anti-drug and alcohol mantra became my identity for years,” she said. Once her parents and extended biological family’s rights were terminated, Clee and […]
Upon first thought, going to therapy stoned sounds like a bad idea and a waste of money–but is it? Could cannabis actually enhance sessions and help clients get the most out of their treatment? Maybe those of us who go to therapy stone-cold-sober are doing it all wrong. Mental healthcare is expensive, and there’s nothing […]