The benefits of using CBD oil on your pets

The benefits of using CBD oil on your pets

Sept. 11, 2019: Dogs are kind of like people. They get older, the have issues and they need medical care. But there’s one growing method that’s got dogs — and doctors — perking up: CBD. Although it is still not legal for veterinarians to prescribe in any state, it is still being sold.



Joseph Digilio says:

And if you give CBD , Vet's can't prescribe their meds and get their $$$ kickbacks .. Its all about the Benjamins !!

Jonathan Nowak says:

Which is more unhealthy…a vet with an insane amount of plastic surgery or giving your dog a little CBD oil? 🤔

Dark Guardian says:

Only in extreme cases would I give it to my dog.
Just too early to know he side effects vs benefits.
Being first means being a guineas pig.

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